Cat living my best life sedentarily shirt


Product Description

Cat living my best life sedentarily shirt
I don’t wish I was ugly, I just wish it wasn’t the Cat living my best life sedentarily shirt thing people valued about me, paid attention to, or gushed over. I also wish people would simply notice it and move on. Like, “Okay, she’s pretty, movin on.” Instead it seems to be the dominating trait, or thing people focus on. It trumps everything else and it’s a distraction and it’s annoying. I know it’s an advantage, gives me an enormous amount of privilege, and allows me to get away with a lot that I otherwise would not be able to, but it’s also a double edge sword, and can be exhausting. It’s also not as great or easy as people seem to think. There are downsides to everything, but I wouldn’t trade my looks. I just wish the world wasn’t so appearance focused because it can be a huge burden and a Cat living my best life sedentarily shirt. I also have BDD and EDs, which are currently in remission and well treated at this point, but it has been a Cat living my best life sedentarily shirt long struggle and crippling at certain points in my life.

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