
Showing posts from July, 2023

Hooked on crochet II Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt

   Product Description Hooked on crochet II Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt I don’t wish I was ugly, I just wish it wasn’t the  Hooked on crochet II Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt  thing people valued about me, paid attention to, or gushed over. I also wish people would simply notice it and move on. Like, “Okay, she’s pretty, movin on.” Instead it seems to be the dominating trait, or thing people focus on. It trumps everything else and it’s a distraction and it’s annoying. I know it’s an advantage, gives me an enormous amount of privilege, and allows me to get away with a lot that I otherwise would not be able to, but it’s also a double edge sword, and can be exhausting. It’s also not as great or easy as people seem to think. There are downsides to everything, but I wouldn’t trade my looks. I just wish the world wasn’t so appearance focused because it can be a huge burden and a  Hooked on crochet II Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt . I also have BDD and EDs, which are currently i...


   Product Description ANNOYING PEOPLE, REALIZE H Women’s Classic T Shirt First of all, I am very sorry you went through that. I am one of those women who wish they could turn invisible sometimes. And I was not born with a  ANNOYING PEOPLE, REALIZE H Women’s Classic T Shirt , but when I was in my 20s someone hit me so hard on the temple that it left the nerve that controls the eye permanently weakened and… well, I’ve had a “lazy eye” for the last 15 years. Not super exaggerated, but my right eye noticeably tends to veer upwards. It doesn’t affect people’s attraction to me. My exes and my boyfriend think it’s cute. So I’m going to guess that it’s not about the eye, but about the confidence: When I got hit I had already developed a healthy self-esteem, so if anyone asks I joke that I’m half chameleon or that it’s so I can keep track of if it’s going to rain. Meanwhile you don’t have a lazy eye anymore, but it sounds like you still suffer deeply about it. I would recommend t...

Cats Welcome People Tolerated Light Men’s Classic T Shirt

   Product Description Cats Welcome People Tolerated Light Men’s Classic T Shirt Firstly, I’m sorry you struggle so much with this. Life is unkind Please know though that when attractive women say they wish to be less attractive oftentimes what they are not saying is that they wish to be less assaulted, less harassed, less objectified, less raped, less followed, less “owned”, less leered at, less groped It isn’t about the level of attractiveness. It’s what comes with it. And with all that gross male attention around you decent men don’t come near anyway. They don’t want to have to deal with it either. Learned this first hand when I got a  Cats Welcome People Tolerated Light Men’s Classic T Shirt  from HH to C as I turned 40. Daily aggressions from me since I was 11 to blessed silence just like that. () buy it now: Cats Welcome People Tolerated Light Men’s Classic T Shirt Stamzod Men’S Christmas Santa Claus Casual Button Hawaii Shirts Hippie Cat Break My Mind Hawaiian...

Watercolor Halloween Cat Flower Decoration Classic T Shirt

   Product Description Watercolor Halloween Cat Flower Decoration Classic T Shirt So, I think the point of them saying that they “wish they were ugly” is so they don’t get sexually harassed anymore. I 100% see what you’re saying, but I also see what they’re saying. Women in our culture are often viewed as “objects” & judge only by that. Men can get away with a lot more varied body types because they aren’t objectified even close to the point that we women are. I used to get objectified until after I had kids. Pregnancy with my kids pretty much mangled my body & I’m now “too fat” for most men to be interested in. Honestly, it’s been pretty freeing. No more sexual harassment…. No more having to try & get a guy who’s “fantasizing” about me to fuck off in a way that doesn’t piss him off & come after me for saying “no” or ghosting him. I can walk around without worrying about it. Please know that it’s not the women who would like to go about their lives without gett...

The Elements of Cat Women’s Classic T Shirt

   Product Description The Elements of Cat Women’s Classic T Shirt I was an  The Elements of Cat Women’s Classic T Shirt   so I’ve experienced both outright rejection all the way up to unwanted sexual advances at work from multiple coworkers. And yeah… the former was so much worse. I guess both are dehumanising, but it felt so much worse when it was because I was ugly. My unscientific guess is because we generally don’t like to be rejected by society as a  The Elements of Cat Women’s Classic T Shirt . I’m personally looking forward to just aging a bit. Like yeah older women get made fun of and become invisible, but I’m alright with the  The Elements of Cat Women’s Classic T Shirt () buy it now: The Elements of Cat Women’s Classic T Shirt Stamzod Men’S Christmas Santa Claus Casual Button Hawaii Shirts Hippie Cat Break My Mind Hawaiian Shirt Obey Clothing Cat Shirt I Love My Cat Youth Tee Shirt Men’s Hawaiian Shirt Fun Halloween Cat Print Bowling Style Casual...

Irises Tiger Cat Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt

   Product Description Irises Tiger Cat Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt I used to weigh 300 pounds and thanks to an eating disorder and then a  Irises Tiger Cat Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt , I’m now underweight for my height (5’10”). I have been spit on, thrown out of places, and a man was almost arrested on a plane once for the temper tantrum he threw having to sit next to me. I’d take that all back. in. a. heartbeat. Because all of that still happens, just with the lens of sexual violence now. I get spit on and kicked out for rejecting men. A man I dated but didn’t end up with threw a temper tantrum and told everyone in my social circle I was a prostitute on meth. I miss being ugly, cause then I could at least trust that my friends were real and I wasn’t being viewed as a  Irises Tiger Cat Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt  refusing to pay out sex. It hurts to think you’ve made a friend only to realize they were faking it to fuck you () buy it now: Irises Tiger Cat Men’s Long...

Paisley cat and butterfly Men’s Value T Shirt

   Product Description Paisley cat and butterfly Men’s Value T Shirt This post is bringing back so many memories. Since I was tween, when me and my sister would walk together down the  Paisley cat and butterfly Men’s Value T Shirt . People would actively stop us just to tell her how beautiful she is, then turn to look at me and immediately turn back. It happened so many times, where people wouldn’t even lie, they just ignored me. I have countless stories of similar events or comments made. Now this might have broken me if it wasn’t for the fact that my mother is probably my biggest critic anyway and I have been hearing this for longer than my ability to form memories. So after a while I found chose to find these situations funny. Honestly OP, when I was 16-21, my self-esteem was so shit, I could have easily made the same choices as you. But (with the help of therapy) when I turned 22, I started sitting in front of a mirror everyday and telling myself “Who gives a shit if ...

Home is where cat and books are Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt

   Product Description Home is where cat and books are Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt I can. My parents sit and make shitty comments when watching TV or looking at celebrities about people who they feel have ‘eyes too close together’ or ‘too far apart’. I love the stand-up comedian Russell Howard and even saw him live. They can’t watch him because of his lazy eye. Side note: Am/was the autistic ugly girl here. My mother made a  Home is where cat and books are Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt  noise after my first solo shopping trip where I bought shorts. I’ve spent my life with comments about my weirdly shaped body and how there was ‘nobody else like me’ in disparaging tones. So like the  Home is where cat and books are Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt , people who are jealous of us have no idea wtf they’re on about. I was the kid that the  Home is where cat and books are Men’s Long Sleeve T Shirt  kids and even teachers bullied () buy it now: Home is where cat and books...

Cat talk to my $8 butthole and x marks the spot shirt

   Product Description Cat talk to my $8 butthole and x marks the spot shirt So, I think the point of them saying that they “wish they were ugly” is so they don’t get sexually harassed anymore. I 100% see what you’re saying, but I also see what they’re saying. Women in our culture are often viewed as “objects” & judge only by that. Men can get away with a lot more varied body types because they aren’t objectified even close to the point that we women are. I used to get objectified until after I had kids. Pregnancy with my kids pretty much mangled my body & I’m now “too fat” for most men to be interested in. Honestly, it’s been pretty freeing. No more sexual harassment…. No more having to try & get a guy who’s “fantasizing” about me to fuck off in a way that doesn’t piss him off & come after me for saying “no” or ghosting him. I can walk around without worrying about it. Please know that it’s not the women who would like to go about their lives without getting s...

I’m the Crazy Cat Lady Men’s Value T Shirt

   Product Description I’m the Crazy Cat Lady Men’s Value T Shirt Wonky-eye sister, almost the same story for me, except when I complained to my current optomertist he said the purpose for people with our condition was to maintain sight in the under-utilised eye in case we lost the good one. I’ve seen “lazy-eye” noted as a deal breaker on dating sites with suggestions people should have to admit it on their profile. But I have also seen people deeply in love when one of them has obvious and more disruptive disabilities. I am still frustrated when people look behind themselves to see what I’m looking at but that’s not their fault. I have learned to forget it, or rarely, as a party trick, switch vision between good and bad eye to change to whichever eyeball wants to hide in my skull. I have loved and been loved and I know some men who carry a torch for me. I can’t change my eyes but they provide a  I’m the Crazy Cat Lady Men’s Value T Shirt  system against shallow and ...

I LET THE DOGS OUT Light Men’s Classic T Shirt

   Product Description I LET THE DOGS OUT Light Men’s Classic T Shirt I also have a lazy eye, was the  I LET THE DOGS OUT Light Men’s Classic T Shirt , and my eyes still don’t work together. However, every time I’ve talked to a  I LET THE DOGS OUT Light Men’s Classic T Shirt  about it, they tell me they’ve fixed it as close as they can get it, and any further work would be a toss up or whether it makes it better or worse, and so they encourage me to just leave it. (It also makes me ineligible for LASIK in their opinion. I’m still not sure that I agree though…) My lazy eye especially comes out when I’m tired or after a couple (read: 2) drinks, or when both are together. That being said, I’m so sorry that you were treated how you were. I remember hating my eye patch, but they gave me stickers to add to it, and my best friend at 2-5 yo was kind and understanding and never made fun of it as children can do. We also both had awful speech impediments, to the point whe...

Prize Pussy 1974 Vintage shirt

   Product Description Prize Pussy 1974 Vintage shirt Yes!! I can remember many years ago I was out with four attractive friends. We ended up hanging out with a group of four guys. They all kind of paired off and I was left sitting at the side on my own. I wanted to run off And when I first became single again I was so naive I honestly thought if a  Prize Pussy 1974 Vintage shirt  wants to sleep with you it means he finds you attractive, likes you and will probably want to see you again. Yeah. I know better now. So much dashed hope, so much heartbreak. I even had one of them admit he targeted me because of my ‘vulnerabilities’. A lump of flesh with convenient holes, how flattering () buy it now: Prize Pussy 1974 Vintage shirt Colorful Cats Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women Cat Hawaiian Shirt Cat Funny Amazing Galaxy Hawaiian Shirt Please make everything go well for me only for me cat shirt I Work on Computer Coder Shirt Cat Lover Shirt Baby Yoda Star Wars Michigan Wol...

ILoveCats Women’s Classic T Shirt

   UX  Buil Product Description ILoveCats Women’s Classic T Shirt I relate to you so much. I’m younger than you (I’m 20). I have a  ILoveCats Women’s Classic T Shirt  bad lazy eye (might get surgery soon if I’m lucky). It certainly feels like it’s one thing it’ still okay to make fun of especially because we didn’t ask for it. I admit I managed to snag an attractive man but it’s only because we dated online initially and I dated him before/during his ‘glo-up’. I’ve never experienced that dating life most women do. I never will. On top of that people, men especially, are rude to me for being ugly. So many opportunities are closed to me because ugly people are associated with bad and attractive people with good. If it makes you happy to hear, I refuse to be defined by my lazy eye. I won’t avoid clothes I love because I’m ‘too ugly’ to wear it. I won’t treat myself like I don’t deserve nice things even if the  ILoveCats Women’s Classic T Shirt  acts like ...

Rainbow Music Cat Women’s Classic T Shirt

   Product Description Rainbow Music Cat Women’s Classic T Shirt I’m slim and I have what would be deemed an  Rainbow Music Cat Women’s Classic T Shirt , I also have pretty long hair, so when guys see me from far away I must look alright, and get some attention, and then up close they see my face is quite ugly and react and honestly I feel so uncomfortable that I don’t look at anyone in the  Rainbow Music Cat Women’s Classic T Shirt  because I can just see in their face they think I’m ugly. And I know I’m ugly I just wish it didn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter to anyone except someone dating me and as I don’t want to date it shouldn’t matter to anyone. Because of this I don’t wear nice clothes anymore and try to make myself as invisible as possible. I don’t bother wearing makeup anymore because I just look stupid like why highlight something and try to draw attention to something that looks bad I wish I was just OK average looking so that I didn’t get much attent...

My Siblings Have Paws Infant T Shirt

   Product Description My Siblings Have Paws Infant T Shirt At uni there was a group of four girls in my halls known as “The  My Siblings Have Paws Infant T Shirt “. They were slim, conventionally attractive, feminine, confident and very bubbly and the men were obsessed with them. And then there was… me, a shy, average build and not very feminine woman, and I was invisible. Some men seemed actively disgusted that I had the nerve to even exist in the same sphere as these godesses, while the nicer men would be flirty and shy with The Angels and talk to me like I was just One Of The Lads, a non-threatening, sexless being. I did wonder if I should starve myself, start wearing dresses, feign more stereotypically feminine interests etc but I just felt so ugly that it all seemed hopeless and I was doomed to be The  My Siblings Have Paws Infant T Shirt  forever. Now I’m in my 40s and a bit more confident. I’ve learned to embrace my non-femininity and I feel more comfort...

Funny Pumpkin And Black Cat Halloween Vintage Costume Shirt

   Product Description Funny Pumpkin And Black Cat Halloween Vintage Costume Shirt I have a  Funny Pumpkin And Black Cat Halloween Vintage Costume Shirt , plus I had braces and bad acne as a teen. I was bullied a  Funny Pumpkin And Black Cat Halloween Vintage Costume Shirt  for my appearance. In my late teens early 20s, besides the squint I was somewhat conventionally attractive and received a lot of unwanted male attention. Pretty privilege is a thing but being constantly sexualised is horrible. Going from “ugly” to “pretty” fucked me up because I realised my value as a person was considered to be based onn my appearance. Basically women get it tough regardless because we’re not viewed as real people just decorative things. While I totally understand it’s galling to hear people complain about being “too pretty” I understand it comes from a place of being harassed and sometimes even assaulted on a  Funny Pumpkin And Black Cat Halloween Vintage Costume Shirt...

This guy loves cats Light Men’s Classic T Shirt

   Product Description This guy loves cats Light Men’s Classic T Shirt Yes!! I can remember many years ago I was out with four attractive friends. We ended up hanging out with a group of four guys. They all kind of paired off and I was left sitting at the side on my own. I wanted to run off And when I first became single again I was so naive I honestly thought if a  This guy loves cats Light Men’s Classic T Shirt  wants to sleep with you it means he finds you attractive, likes you and will probably want to see you again. Yeah. I know better now. So much dashed hope, so much heartbreak. I even had one of them admit he targeted me because of my ‘vulnerabilities’. A lump of flesh with convenient holes, how flattering () buy it now: This guy loves cats Light Men’s Classic T Shirt Stamzod Men’S Christmas Santa Claus Casual Button Hawaii Shirts Hippie Cat Break My Mind Hawaiian Shirt Funny tremont cat logo shirt Proud Maine Coon Mom Best Gifts For Cat Lovers American Flag ...

Prrrfect Men Love Cats Men’s Classic T Shirt

   Product Description Prrrfect Men Love Cats Men’s Classic T Shirt I can. My parents sit and make shitty comments when watching TV or looking at celebrities about people who they feel have ‘eyes too close together’ or ‘too far apart’. I love the stand-up comedian Russell Howard and even saw him live. They can’t watch him because of his lazy eye. Side note: Am/was the autistic ugly girl here. My mother made a  Prrrfect Men Love Cats Men’s Classic T Shirt  noise after my first solo shopping trip where I bought shorts. I’ve spent my life with comments about my weirdly shaped body and how there was ‘nobody else like me’ in disparaging tones. So like the  Prrrfect Men Love Cats Men’s Classic T Shirt , people who are jealous of us have no idea wtf they’re on about. I was the kid that the  Prrrfect Men Love Cats Men’s Classic T Shirt  kids and even teachers bullied () buy it now: Prrrfect Men Love Cats Men’s Classic T Shirt Colorful Cats Hawaiian Shirt For M...

Cat living my best life sedentarily shirt

   Product Description Cat living my best life sedentarily shirt I don’t wish I was ugly, I just wish it wasn’t the  Cat living my best life sedentarily shirt  thing people valued about me, paid attention to, or gushed over. I also wish people would simply notice it and move on. Like, “Okay, she’s pretty, movin on.” Instead it seems to be the dominating trait, or thing people focus on. It trumps everything else and it’s a distraction and it’s annoying. I know it’s an advantage, gives me an enormous amount of privilege, and allows me to get away with a lot that I otherwise would not be able to, but it’s also a double edge sword, and can be exhausting. It’s also not as great or easy as people seem to think. There are downsides to everything, but I wouldn’t trade my looks. I just wish the world wasn’t so appearance focused because it can be a huge burden and a  Cat living my best life sedentarily shirt . I also have BDD and EDs, which are currently in remission and...

Funny Cat Shirt Gifts for Cat Owners Cat Lovers Shirt

   Product Description Funny Cat Shirt Gifts for Cat Owners Cat Lovers Shirt Firstly, I’m sorry you struggle so much with this. Life is unkind Please know though that when attractive women say they wish to be less attractive oftentimes what they are not saying is that they wish to be less assaulted, less harassed, less objectified, less raped, less followed, less “owned”, less leered at, less groped It isn’t about the level of attractiveness. It’s what comes with it. And with all that gross male attention around you decent men don’t come near anyway. They don’t want to have to deal with it either. Learned this first hand when I got a  Funny Cat Shirt Gifts for Cat Owners Cat Lovers Shirt  from HH to C as I turned 40. Daily aggressions from me since I was 11 to blessed silence just like that. () buy it now: Funny Cat Shirt Gifts for Cat Owners Cat Lovers Shirt Colorful Cats Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women Cat Hawaiian Shirt Cat Funny Amazing Galaxy Hawaiian Shirt fri...

Japanese Noodles Maneki Neko Cat Ramen Unisex T Shirt

   Product Description Japanese Noodles Maneki Neko Cat Ramen Unisex T Shirt I’m slim and I have what would be deemed an  Japanese Noodles Maneki Neko Cat Ramen Unisex T Shirt , I also have pretty long hair, so when guys see me from far away I must look alright, and get some attention, and then up close they see my face is quite ugly and react and honestly I feel so uncomfortable that I don’t look at anyone in the  Japanese Noodles Maneki Neko Cat Ramen Unisex T Shirt  because I can just see in their face they think I’m ugly. And I know I’m ugly I just wish it didn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter to anyone except someone dating me and as I don’t want to date it shouldn’t matter to anyone. Because of this I don’t wear nice clothes anymore and try to make myself as invisible as possible. I don’t bother wearing makeup anymore because I just look stupid like why highlight something and try to draw attention to something that looks bad I wish I was just OK average look...

Custom Cat Lovers T Shirt

   Product Description Custom Cat Lovers T Shirt Firstly, I’m sorry you struggle so much with this. Life is unkind Please know though that when attractive women say they wish to be less attractive oftentimes what they are not saying is that they wish to be less assaulted, less harassed, less objectified, less raped, less followed, less “owned”, less leered at, less groped It isn’t about the level of attractiveness. It’s what comes with it. And with all that gross male attention around you decent men don’t come near anyway. They don’t want to have to deal with it either. Learned this first hand when I got a  Custom Cat Lovers T Shirt  from HH to C as I turned 40. Daily aggressions from me since I was 11 to blessed silence just like that. () buy it now: Custom Cat Lovers T Shirt Colorful Cats Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women Cat Hawaiian Shirt Cat Funny Amazing Galaxy Hawaiian Shirt Cute Cat Lover Tee T Shirt Funny Cat Tshirt, I Work On Computers Cat Tee, Cat Lover T S...

Womens Easter Cat T Shirt

   Product Description Womens Easter Cat T Shirt At uni there was a group of four girls in my halls known as “The  Womens Easter Cat T Shirt “. They were slim, conventionally attractive, feminine, confident and very bubbly and the men were obsessed with them. And then there was… me, a shy, average build and not very feminine woman, and I was invisible. Some men seemed actively disgusted that I had the nerve to even exist in the same sphere as these godesses, while the nicer men would be flirty and shy with The Angels and talk to me like I was just One Of The Lads, a non-threatening, sexless being. I did wonder if I should starve myself, start wearing dresses, feign more stereotypically feminine interests etc but I just felt so ugly that it all seemed hopeless and I was doomed to be The  Womens Easter Cat T Shirt  forever. Now I’m in my 40s and a bit more confident. I’ve learned to embrace my non-femininity and I feel more comfortable than I ever did feeling expo...

Purr More Women’s Classic T Shirt

   Product Description Purr More Women’s Classic T Shirt Wonky-eye sister, almost the same story for me, except when I complained to my current optomertist he said the purpose for people with our condition was to maintain sight in the under-utilised eye in case we lost the good one. I’ve seen “lazy-eye” noted as a deal breaker on dating sites with suggestions people should have to admit it on their profile. But I have also seen people deeply in love when one of them has obvious and more disruptive disabilities. I am still frustrated when people look behind themselves to see what I’m looking at but that’s not their fault. I have learned to forget it, or rarely, as a party trick, switch vision between good and bad eye to change to whichever eyeball wants to hide in my skull. I have loved and been loved and I know some men who carry a torch for me. I can’t change my eyes but they provide a  Purr More Women’s Classic T Shirt  system against shallow and rude people. I wou...

Grumpy Cat Tshirt

   Product Description Grumpy Cat Tshirt Yes!! I can remember many years ago I was out with four attractive friends. We ended up hanging out with a group of four guys. They all kind of paired off and I was left sitting at the side on my own. I wanted to run off And when I first became single again I was so naive I honestly thought if a  Grumpy Cat Tshirt  wants to sleep with you it means he finds you attractive, likes you and will probably want to see you again. Yeah. I know better now. So much dashed hope, so much heartbreak. I even had one of them admit he targeted me because of my ‘vulnerabilities’. A lump of flesh with convenient holes, how flattering () buy it now: Grumpy Cat Tshirt Stamzod Men’S Christmas Santa Claus Casual Button Hawaii Shirts Hippie Cat Break My Mind Hawaiian Shirt Let’s Go Brandon Cat Conservative US Flag Tee Shirt Cat Pennywise that’s what I want pet cats play guitars and know s things shirt Cat Play Cricket – Funny Hawaiian Shirt Product D...

Super Cat T Shirt, Cute Cat T Shirt, Womens Cat T Shirt

   Product Description Super Cat T Shirt, Cute Cat T Shirt, Womens Cat T Shirt I am sorry for what you went through, it’s so hard living in a  Super Cat T Shirt, Cute Cat T Shirt, Womens Cat T Shirt  where so much value is put on looks. Both sides of the spectrum can be rough. I’m what some people would consider “unconventionally attractive”, but it’s a pretty even 50/50 split of people who find me ugly or not. As a result I got the worst of both worlds. I was horrifically bullied for being ugly, man looking, fat faced, big nose ect. I had two guys tell me I was the “ugliest girl” they have ever seen. On the flip side I get harassed (not saying that doesn’t happen to people considered “unattractive”), men were always creepy at bars, I often get cat called, I have had men stop their car and take photos of me and some people call me “intimidatingly beautiful”. I have terribly low self esteem from the bullying and always get anxious around men because I never know if th...

Cat pet sematary sometimes dead is better shirt

   Product Description Cat pet sematary sometimes dead is better shirt Dang I’m so sorry to hear about the  Cat pet sematary sometimes dead is better shirt you’ve had. I have to admit I was thinking the same thing as the guy you’re replying to … “I’ve seen some truly gorgeous women who have a lazy eye this condition doesn’t make someone ugly ?!” But your comment made me think back to adolescence and teenage years , when kids could be so cruel over even the most subtle “differences”, and I can only imagine something more noticeable like that caused a lot of grief. I still can’t imagine any adult I personally know being cruel because of a lazy eye, but I’m probably either being naive and/or I’m very lucky to be surrounded by decent people. Thanks for the  Cat pet sematary sometimes dead is better shirt () buy it now: Cat pet sematary sometimes dead is better shirt Stamzod Men’S Christmas Santa Claus Casual Button Hawaii Shirts Hippie Cat Break My Mind Hawaiian Shirt Sp...

Funny Cat Fluff Around And Find Out Ladies Gents Shirt

   Product Description Funny Cat Fluff Around And Find Out Ladies Gents Shirt Men still do those things to unattractive women. It’s not like they’re immune from assault and harassment. Being conventionally attractive leads to far better outcomes — medically, economically, socially, there’s just no comparison. Other women treat you different too. It’s not just men. It can definitely come with some unique downsides but it’s more similar to the  Funny Cat Fluff Around And Find Out Ladies Gents Shirt  using their challenges of “finding it harder to trust people” or “being recognized in public” or “well money can’t buy happiness” — as if to imply they face equal but different obstacles than poor people. They aren’t totally wrong, but objectively speaking their lives are better off by every metric and it’s a bit insulting to suggest otherwise. But this is talking about averages, it doesn’t mean every attractive person has a better life nor does it mean unattractive people ...

Check Meowt Funny Saying Kids T Shirt

   Product Description Check Meowt Funny Saying Kids T Shirt Dang I’m so sorry to hear about the  Check Meowt Funny Saying Kids T Shirt you’ve had. I have to admit I was thinking the same thing as the guy you’re replying to … “I’ve seen some truly gorgeous women who have a lazy eye this condition doesn’t make someone ugly ?!” But your comment made me think back to adolescence and teenage years , when kids could be so cruel over even the most subtle “differences”, and I can only imagine something more noticeable like that caused a lot of grief. I still can’t imagine any adult I personally know being cruel because of a lazy eye, but I’m probably either being naive and/or I’m very lucky to be surrounded by decent people. Thanks for the  Check Meowt Funny Saying Kids T Shirt () buy it now: Check Meowt Funny Saying Kids T Shirt Stamzod Men’S Christmas Santa Claus Casual Button Hawaii Shirts Hippie Cat Break My Mind Hawaiian Shirt Home Is Where My Cat Is Men’s Classic T Sh...

Black Cat Society Halloween Ugly Sweater TShirt

   Product Description Black Cat Society Halloween Ugly Sweater TShirt I used to weigh 300 pounds and thanks to an eating disorder and then a  Black Cat Society Halloween Ugly Sweater TShirt , I’m now underweight for my height (5’10”). I have been spit on, thrown out of places, and a man was almost arrested on a plane once for the temper tantrum he threw having to sit next to me. I’d take that all back. in. a. heartbeat. Because all of that still happens, just with the lens of sexual violence now. I get spit on and kicked out for rejecting men. A man I dated but didn’t end up with threw a temper tantrum and told everyone in my social circle I was a prostitute on meth. I miss being ugly, cause then I could at least trust that my friends were real and I wasn’t being viewed as a  Black Cat Society Halloween Ugly Sweater TShirt  refusing to pay out sex. It hurts to think you’ve made a friend only to realize they were faking it to fuck you () buy it now: Black Cat So...

Funny Back To School – Black Cat Goodbye Suntan Hello Lesson Plan 1st Grade Teacher Shirt

   Product Description Funny Back To School – Black Cat Goodbye Suntan Hello Lesson Plan 1st Grade Teacher Shirt Ugly, fat, and disabled here! All I’ve ever wanted in my entire life is for people to be able to look at me without making assumptions. It’ll never, ever happen. People are always going to look at me and assume I’m lazy, unhealthy, and whatever else people associate with fat bodies, bad skin, and not-quite-right, awkward facial expressions. It doesn’t matter that I have the medical conditions to logically explain all of these things. It doesn’t matter that I started starving myself at 10 years old and continued to do so for decades because an undiagnosed metabolic disorder made my body hold onto everything. It doesn’t matter that the same disorder covered me with pimples and unwanted hair in weird places starting at 11 years old and will presumably never let up. It doesn’t matter that I’m in constant pain from a collection of inflammatory, autoimmune, and ...

Black Cat with Poppies Dark Men’s Value T Shirt

   Product Description Black Cat with Poppies Dark Men’s Value T Shirt This post is bringing back so many memories. Since I was tween, when me and my sister would walk together down the  Black Cat with Poppies Dark Men’s Value T Shirt . People would actively stop us just to tell her how beautiful she is, then turn to look at me and immediately turn back. It happened so many times, where people wouldn’t even lie, they just ignored me. I have countless stories of similar events or comments made. Now this might have broken me if it wasn’t for the fact that my mother is probably my biggest critic anyway and I have been hearing this for longer than my ability to form memories. So after a while I found chose to find these situations funny. Honestly OP, when I was 16-21, my self-esteem was so shit, I could have easily made the same choices as you. But (with the help of therapy) when I turned 22, I started sitting in front of a mirror everyday and telling myself “Who gives a shit...

Ceiling Cat Is Watching You Men’s White T Shirt

   Product Description Ceiling Cat Is Watching You Men’s White T Shirt I’ve been on both sides of this, and let me tell you this: Both sides of the  Ceiling Cat Is Watching You Men’s White T Shirt  is horrible. Being bullied my entire childhood and most of my teenage years, being fat, being an outcast that no one gave a second glance unless they were a creepy man who cat calls children, or men that sexually abuse children. I felt like the worth of women was based solely on their looks, so my worth was non-existent. I tried to take my own life the first time when I was 9, and wrote my first suicide letter at 6 years old. I felt worthless. I was treated like I was worthless. Fast forward to my “glow up”. At first I was happy, because I finally felt accepted and wanted. However, it soon turned to several sexual assaults – a continuance from my childhood. And after all the harassment, assaults, and not being able to blend in anymore, I realized that my only worth was the...

Sphynx Mom Cat Streetwear Tops women shirt Print Cute cartoon Dogs Tees Ladies shirt Vintage Goth Casual Chic Women T shirt

   Product Description Sphynx Mom Cat Streetwear Tops women shirt Print Cute cartoon Dogs Tees Ladies shirt Vintage Goth Casual Chic Women T shirt Wonky-eye sister, almost the same story for me, except when I complained to my current optomertist he said the purpose for people with our condition was to maintain sight in the under-utilised eye in case we lost the good one. I’ve seen “lazy-eye” noted as a deal breaker on dating sites with suggestions people should have to admit it on their profile. But I have also seen people deeply in love when one of them has obvious and more disruptive disabilities. I am still frustrated when people look behind themselves to see what I’m looking at but that’s not their fault. I have learned to forget it, or rarely, as a party trick, switch vision between good and bad eye to change to whichever eyeball wants to hide in my skull. I have loved and been loved and I know some men who carry a torch for me. I can’t change my eyes but they provide a...

Cat Lover Shirt, Cats Make Me Happy T Shirt, Funny Cat Shirt, Crazy Cat Lady Gift Shirt

   Product Description Cat Lover Shirt, Cats Make Me Happy T Shirt, Funny Cat Shirt, Crazy Cat Lady Gift Shirt I can. My parents sit and make shitty comments when watching TV or looking at celebrities about people who they feel have ‘eyes too close together’ or ‘too far apart’. I love the stand-up comedian Russell Howard and even saw him live. They can’t watch him because of his lazy eye. Side note: Am/was the autistic ugly girl here. My mother made a  Cat Lover Shirt, Cats Make Me Happy T Shirt, Funny Cat Shirt, Crazy Cat Lady Gift Shirt  noise after my first solo shopping trip where I bought shorts. I’ve spent my life with comments about my weirdly shaped body and how there was ‘nobody else like me’ in disparaging tones. So like the  Cat Lover Shirt, Cats Make Me Happy T Shirt, Funny Cat Shirt, Crazy Cat Lady Gift Shirt , people who are jealous of us have no idea wtf they’re on about. I was the kid that the  Cat Lover Shirt, Cats Make Me Happy T Shirt, Fu...

Cute Crazy Cat Lady Print T shirts For Women Summer Lovely Short Sleeve Casual Round Neck T shirts

   Product Description Cute Crazy Cat Lady Print T shirts For Women Summer Lovely Short Sleeve Casual Round Neck T shirts I’m skinny, flat chested, wore big round ugly glasses, have crooked teeth, and severe cystic acne for years. I’ve been called mosquito bite, four eyes, and pizza face. I was told no guy would ever be attracted to me (except the creeper old men who were attracted to me bc I permanently look underage) I actually had a little kid shriek in horror and ask “what’s wrong with your face?” when he saw my acne. Guess what? Even being ugly I still get harassed and still got abused. In fact, it felt like people could use my ugliness as an excuse to be as mean and nasty as they wanted. People don’t take me seriously. I’m constantly the  Cute Crazy Cat Lady Print T shirts For Women Summer Lovely Short Sleeve Casual Round Neck T shirts  of someone’s joke. () buy it now: Cute Crazy Cat Lady Print T shirts For Women Summer Lovely Short Sleeve Casual Round Neck T ...