
Showing posts from August, 2022

Thou Shalt not Steal Softball Retro Vintage T Shirt

  Thou Shalt not Steal Softball Retro Vintage T Shirt I’ll use other phrases, such as “roll for  Thou Shalt not Steal Softball Retro Vintage T Shirt  ”, “make an initiative roll”, or even just”everyone roll a D20, just to make them wonder. I do t think I would say “roll initiative”, because it isn’t grammatically correct. Initiative (or order of initiative) is something you have after making a roll. It’s just just a shortened version, dropping the “for”, so it’s not really annoying, just not correct. If nobody asked about it, I wouldn’t correct somebody about it. It’s kind of like if your DM say “roll save”. What does that mean? I would assume it meant a shortened version of “roll for save”, a shorter version of “roll a saving throw”. But in that case, with nice short words, it really doesn’t sound right with 2 words. (Thou Shalt not Steal Softball Retro Vintage T Shirt) Buy It NOw: Thou Shalt not Steal Softball Retro Vintage T Shirt Thou Shalt not Steal Softball Retro Vi...

U.S Army Vietnam Veteran Vintage USA Soldier Vietnam War T Shirt

  U.S Army Vietnam Veteran Vintage USA Soldier Vietnam War T Shirt Spinel froze. She thought she was sneaking better than that! Then she remembered that Liches, like most undead, don’t actually need to sleep. Instead, she looked up to see the  U.S Army Vietnam Veteran Vintage USA Soldier Vietnam War T Shirt  body from earlier, standing up and staring at Spinel with glowing eyes. The mage hand Spinel used to write her letter faltered, her quill scratched a few jagged, splattered lines across the note. “I’m so sorry! I hadn’t meant to intrude, and, just—you were sleeping, or I thought you were sleeping—anyway! I’m so sorry, I thought you might get cold down here by yourself.” Let it never be said that Spinel’s not compassionate. Often to the point of absurdity. Now, Lich Queen Unthir doesn’t immediately attack. And there is a very important reason for this that I as the player know, but my character Spinel, does not: Spinel’s soul is marked by another Lich. All Liches have ...

Unknown I Pineapple Hot Moms Upside Down I Heart Funny Swing T Shirt

  Unknown I Pineapple Hot Moms Upside Down I Heart Funny Swing T Shirt In the AD&D Monstrous Manual, this is what it says about a lich’s phylactery: “The phylactery, which can be almost any manner of  Unknown I Pineapple Hot Moms Upside Down I Heart Funny Swing T Shirt , must be of the finest craftsmanship and materials with a value of not less than 1,500 gold pieces per level of the wizard.” It barely makes mention of it in there. But Ravenloft was a great example of how varied a phylactery could be, especially since demons also had phylacteries in that setting. Some examples of weird phylacteries in Ravenloft: Azalin’s was a 200 lb gold plated dragon skull. Elsepeth the succubus had a stuffed doll as a phylactery. Hazlik essentially has a phylactery, in that he has a pendant that his life force will retreat into if he dies. A demon named Drigor had a model of a quill pen crafted from gems and marble as a phylactery. (Unknown I Pineapple Hot Moms Upside Down I Heart Funny...

Vintage Bowling Evolution Lover Player T Shirt

  Vintage Bowling Evolution Lover Player T Shirt Apparently, Spinel reminded her of  Vintage Bowling Evolution Lover Player T Shirt  when she was alive, and it played on emotions she hadn’t considered for decades, if not a couple of centuries. As thanks, she gave Spinny her Mask of Many Faces and remarked that “It will be nice to affect the world again.” She escorted Spinel to a platform, and told her to stay safe going back up to the city. Later, when Spinel and Fahren sailed off from Alaghôn, DM had me roll a perception check: Spinny then saw a stunning Elven woman standing on the docks, waving at The Saint Marie… Who had a blanket tied around her shoulders. The two of them have been friends and pen pals since then—Spinny even got Unthir to attend one of Tarael’s parties! She doesn’t realize that Unthir only went to the party to see Spinel, but the two of them got to dance, so that’s all Spinny cares about. DM has gotten pretty wise to Spinny’s antics by now, but every ...

Vintage Golfer Shirt, Funny Golf I’d Tap That Retro Golf T Shirt

  Vintage Golfer Shirt, Funny Golf I’d Tap That Retro Golf T Shirt A bit later, they were in another major city doing a quest, and upon their return, they now witnessed what happened to the first city. First, they had to fight off a  Vintage Golfer Shirt, Funny Golf I’d Tap That Retro Golf T Shirt  magically enhanced dinosaurs, a legion of which was currently attacking the city. Once they got to the palace to see what was going on, they found the tarrasque in combat with the two gold dragons who were responsible for protecting this city. On the tarrasque’s side was some weird druidic caster, covering the entire area in Storm of Vengeance as soon as the party arrived. They weren’t meant to kill it here, not even with the help of two dragons. But they did save one of the dragons from dying by expending their healing on it. When it seemed like the good guys had the upper hand, the druid transported herself and the tarrasque out of the city. (Vintage Golfer Shirt, Funny Golf ...

Vintage USA Red White Archery Arrow American Flag T Shirt

  Vintage USA Red White Archery Arrow American Flag T Shirt In the AD&D Monstrous Manual, this is what it says about a lich’s phylactery: “The phylactery, which can be almost any manner of  Vintage USA Red White Archery Arrow American Flag T Shirt , must be of the finest craftsmanship and materials with a value of not less than 1,500 gold pieces per level of the wizard.” It barely makes mention of it in there. But Ravenloft was a great example of how varied a phylactery could be, especially since demons also had phylacteries in that setting. Some examples of weird phylacteries in Ravenloft: Azalin’s was a 200 lb gold plated dragon skull. Elsepeth the succubus had a stuffed doll as a phylactery. Hazlik essentially has a phylactery, in that he has a pendant that his life force will retreat into if he dies. A demon named Drigor had a model of a quill pen crafted from gems and marble as a phylactery. (Vintage USA Red White Archery Arrow American Flag T Shirt) Buy It NOw: Vinta...

MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 033 Trooper Army Star Wars Shirt

  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 033 Trooper Army Star Wars Shirt Not really. Most pop culture references to D&D are at least partly stuck in the 80’s or even earlier, when the version of choice was probably AD&D 1st edition. Which was a  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 033 Trooper Army Star Wars Shirt , confusing, badly edited conglomeration of barely related arbitrary rules. It was also something you could teach any reasonably intelligent high school kid enough to play in much less than an hour. The thing is, the player really doesn’t have to know all those rules. He just needs to know enough to have a fair idea what his character can or can’t do, once he decides on an action, the GM tells him what to roll and what to add (or subtract) and whether it works or not. It’s much, much harder to learn as the DM, but it can be done. (MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 033 Trooper Army Star Wars Shirt) Buy It NOw: MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 033 Trooper Army Star Wars Shirt MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 0...

I’m Your Daddy Shirt

  I’m Your Daddy Shirt This character was a hit with the other players primarily because I played it like some kind of  I’m Your Daddy Shirt  wood golem version of Abathur from Starcraft 2. It was focused purely on improvement; acquisition of new magics, acquisition of new schematics for articulation of joints or wood treatment processes to increase hardness of its blade hands, acquisition of political capital with those who had the resources and connections to provide further insight into how to self-improve, etc etc etc. This is why it was a rogue, after all. Assassination-for-hire can be lucrative and connect you with all of the right people. It was entirely indifferent to the plight of every living thing except: 1) Druids, as it maintained a deep and abiding affection for the druid that it had spent its first two centuries standing guardian over, 2) other Awakened creatures/plants, as it knew the pain and confusion that comes from being Rebirthed as a sentient object ...

MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 052 Mario Nintendo Shirt

  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 052 Mario Nintendo Shirt Spinel froze. She thought she was sneaking better than that! Then she remembered that Liches, like most undead, don’t actually need to sleep. Instead, she looked up to see the  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 052 Mario Nintendo Shirt  body from earlier, standing up and staring at Spinel with glowing eyes. The mage hand Spinel used to write her letter faltered, her quill scratched a few jagged, splattered lines across the note. “I’m so sorry! I hadn’t meant to intrude, and, just—you were sleeping, or I thought you were sleeping—anyway! I’m so sorry, I thought you might get cold down here by yourself.” Let it never be said that Spinel’s not compassionate. Often to the point of absurdity. Now, Lich Queen Unthir doesn’t immediately attack. And there is a very important reason for this that I as the player know, but my character Spinel, does not: Spinel’s soul is marked by another Lich. All Liches have Truesight, and therefore DM an...

MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 035 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Father Shirt

  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 035 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Father Shirt So anyway in the program was not allowed to play D&D. They also made a similar requirement at the  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 035 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Father Shirt  prison at FCC Butner which also has a SO program for the same reason. At the time I thought this was dumb and was just worried about them fucking us over at the low because of what some idiots were doing at the Medium, but it never happened. So I get out of prison and for probation they make us go to group treatment for at least the first year once a week. The idea is that it’s like a support group so we can help each other as we struggle to get back on our feet, which isn’t a bad idea. They also enforce things like acceptance of responsibility and empathy. (MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 035 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Father Shirt) Buy It NOw: MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 035 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Father Shir...

MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 034 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Daddy Shirt

  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 034 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Daddy Shirt However, the condition cannot be “the  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 034 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Daddy Shirt  of the round”, although you could tie it to another creature (1st to act in the next round) starting to move, for instance. In addition, your movement and a possible bonus action is part of your turn, not your action, so the ready action cannot be used to move (except to take the dash action) or to perform a bonus action. Finally, if using a spell, it can only be a 1 action spell, and holding it requires concentration. Which means you cannot be using another concentration spell. In addition, you also use your spell slot when you take the ready action. If you lose concentration or do not use it (abandon it for doing some other action). (MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 034 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Daddy Shirt) Buy It NOw: MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 034 Only Thing I Love More Than Being...

MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 030 Boba Fett Star Wars Shirt

  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 030 Boba Fett Star Wars Shirt The beach was patrolled offshore by a bunyip (an aquatic monster). They heard its cries and made their saving throws. For a bit of colour I told them they saw it breaching a  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 030 Boba Fett Star Wars Shirt  of hundred feet offshore. Unwilling to engage the creature in its native element, they started planning. They wanted to use missile weapons. I pointed out that it would be hard to hit the creature when it was underwater. The tiger’s master had half a dozen raw steaks. Yes, they were on his character sheet. Got to feed the tiger.The party bard decided to use Mage Hand to float one of the steaks over the water to encourage the bunyip to breach again. Sod it, I thought. They want this creature. Let them have it. (MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 030 Boba Fett Star Wars Shirt) Buy It NOw: MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 030 Boba Fett Star Wars Shirt MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 030 Boba Fett Star Wars Shirt MLB ...

Baltimore Orioles Baseball Shirt

  Baltimore Orioles Baseball Shirt This came with a lot of other stat modifiers as well, of course. We decided that such a  Baltimore Orioles Baseball Shirt  would still be pretty strong, but not 19 strength strong, so we downgraded that. We figured that it would definitely have higher than 6 dex, considering that it had hated being clumsy, so we gave it above-average dex. There were other adjustments that were made as well, but most of those were minor. We’d decided that our fancy magical-equivalent-of-bionic ancient Awakened Tree had upgraded / downgraded from the traditional slam attack (Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.) to a more focused piercing lance type attack; it had converted its own limbs into stabbing implements, because that’s quieter than hitting people with entire tree branches. It did considerably less damage but could be used for sneak attacks. Speed was upgraded from 20ft to 40ft because o...

MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 018 Ironman Dc Marvel Jersey Superhero Avenger Shirt

  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 018 Ironman Dc Marvel Jersey Superhero Avenger Shirt We don’t call them phylactery. I think that means pendant or amulet or something in Greek. Tefillin is very specifically little boxes with Torah verses inside them used by some Jews for  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 018 Ironman Dc Marvel Jersey Superhero Avenger Shirt . I don’t know of any Jews who’d call Tefillin “phylactery”. Frankly I wish people would stop thinking that phylactery is the “translation” of Tefillin. It’s not. I’m pretty sure the Ancient Greeks just saw Jews using Tefillin, didn’t know what they really were, and used their own word. The way D&D uses phylactery, to me, sounds more like how Коще́й Бессме́ртный (Koschei the Deathless) hid his death in an egg in a duck in a hare that nests in a hollow long, floating on a pond, deep in the forest, on an island, as described in Petr and the Wizard. And since the Russians don’t have their own word, so far as I know, for that whole thing,...

MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 014 Superman Dc Marvel Jersey Superhero Avenger Shirt

  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 014 Superman Dc Marvel Jersey Superhero Avenger Shirt I have, the first time I made a  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 014 Superman Dc Marvel Jersey Superhero Avenger Shirt . The first time the party heard about it, they had just come back into the world after having been in an alternate dimension for 3 years (though only about a month passed for them). The first city they went to had an abnormally high number of soldiers, seemingly prepared for anything. The reason why is because 6 months earlier, the closest nearby major city was literally leveled with zero survivors. No one really knew what did it, but evidence suggested that an utterly massive creature was involved, assisted by countless other violent animals and some number of magic users. (MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 014 Superman Dc Marvel Jersey Superhero Avenger Shirt) Buy It NOw: MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 014 Superman Dc Marvel Jersey Superhero Avenger Shirt MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 014 Superman Dc Mar...

500 Degreez Airbrush 20th Anniversary Shirt

  500 Degreez Airbrush 20th Anniversary Shirt Not really. Most pop culture references to D&D are at least partly stuck in the 80’s or even earlier, when the version of choice was probably AD&D 1st edition. Which was a  500 Degreez Airbrush 20th Anniversary Shirt , confusing, badly edited conglomeration of barely related arbitrary rules. It was also something you could teach any reasonably intelligent high school kid enough to play in much less than an hour. The thing is, the player really doesn’t have to know all those rules. He just needs to know enough to have a fair idea what his character can or can’t do, once he decides on an action, the GM tells him what to roll and what to add (or subtract) and whether it works or not. It’s much, much harder to learn as the DM, but it can be done. (500 Degreez Airbrush 20th Anniversary Shirt) Buy It NOw: 500 Degreez Airbrush 20th Anniversary Shirt 500 Degreez Airbrush 20th Anniversary Shirt 500 Degreez Airbrush 20th Anniversary ...

Baltimore Orioles Alternate Logo Shirt

  Baltimore Orioles Alternate Logo Shirt One thing I’d like to mention is the  Baltimore Orioles Alternate Logo Shirt  my friends and I refer to as “kiddie” D&D. You get an almost perfect example of it in Stranger Things. Kids (which for this situation basically means middle school or early teens) have very little clue what the heck the actual rules are. They make ridiculous stuff up, write hideously unbalanced house rules, hand out crazy magic items like tossing candy off a parade float and generally break the game ninety different ways each time they play. And they have a blast doing it. Which brings me to the very first, most fundamental rule of D&D, “If everyone’s having fun, you’re doing it right. (Baltimore Orioles Alternate Logo Shirt) Buy It NOw: Baltimore Orioles Alternate Logo Shirt Baltimore Orioles Alternate Logo Shirt Baltimore Orioles Alternate Logo Shirt Wrangler Cowhide Shirt, Cow Skull Shirt, Cow Print Wrangler T Shirt Kill Tony Voodoo shirt Hulk ...

MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 038 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Grandpa Shirt

  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 038 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Grandpa Shirt Not really. Most pop culture references to D&D are at least partly stuck in the 80’s or even earlier, when the version of choice was probably AD&D 1st edition. Which was a  MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 038 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Grandpa Shirt , confusing, badly edited conglomeration of barely related arbitrary rules. It was also something you could teach any reasonably intelligent high school kid enough to play in much less than an hour. The thing is, the player really doesn’t have to know all those rules. He just needs to know enough to have a fair idea what his character can or can’t do, once he decides on an action, the GM tells him what to roll and what to add (or subtract) and whether it works or not. It’s much, much harder to learn as the DM, but it can be done. (MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 038 Only Thing I Love More Than Being Grandpa Shirt) Buy It NOw: MLB Arizona Diamondbacks 03...